Watch: Big brother steals 2-year-old's birthday wish

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Thursday, January 22, 2015
(f vasquez/YouTube)
f vasquez/YouTube-WTVD

Oh, brother. This kid really doesn't want to let his little sibling have the spotlight.

Tap to watch if you're viewing on the news app.

In this hilarious home video posted shortly after Christmas, an older brother seems completely uninterested in his little brother's birthday celebrations. That is, until he swoops in to grab attention at the pivotal moment.

As the rest of the family sings "Happy birthday," the older brother appears to be entranced by the TV. The younger brother, sporting an adorable 'birthday boy' T-shirt, seems content to soak in all the attention. He is given a cupcake with two candles, meaning he is most likely turning two. As the song wraps up, he wiggles his legs in anticipation.

The toddler is old enough to understand the concept of a birthday candle and seems ready for the big moment. He leans forward, eyes wide with excitement as dad pushes the cupcake closer.

Then the big brother swoops in out of nowhere and blows out the candle, stealing the birthday wish.

Making matters worse, the older brother bounces with joy and then races back to his TV show without so much as a "happy birthday." Something tells me this is going to turn into a grudge that the little brother brings up to have his way when he gets older.

Full disclosure: The writer of this post does in fact have an older sibling...and a younger sibling.