10-year-old creates plastic curtain to be able to hug grandparents

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Riverside girl makes plastic curtain to be able to hug grandparents
Physical contact with loved ones can be difficult during the coronavirus crisis, but that didn't stop a Riverside girl from coming up with a way to hug her grandparents.

RIVERSIDE, California -- Physical contact with loved ones can be difficult during the coronavirus crisis, but that didn't stop this granddaughter from coming up with a way to hug her grandparents.

Ten-year-old Paige took it upon herself to create what she calls a 'hug curtain.'

She came up with the idea after seeing a video of a blanket people were using to hug family members.

Using a shower curtain, Ziploc bags, a hot glue gun and disposable plates, Paige and her mom used some ingenuity to make her vision a reality.

"She came up with the idea, she laid it out in the family room and spent multiple hours working on it," said her mom, Lindsay Okray.

Okray, who works as a nurse in the COVID-19 unit at a local community hospital, was also excited to take part since she has had to stay physically distanced from loved ones as a precaution.

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