Wake Forest Cub Scout wins Pinewood Derby world title

Mark Armstrong Image
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Pinewood Derby champ
Billy Bell of Wake Forest is a world champion after winning the nationals in New York's Times Square.

WAKE FOREST (WTVD) -- Say the words Pinewood Derby to anyone with a Cub Scouts background and you'll likely get a huge smile and a bunch of memories. Imagine then the stories that Billy Bell of Cub Scout Pack 5 will tell down the road.

His Pinewood Derby tale is something special.

"Pretty much everyone in Wake Forest knows who I am," Billy said.

Such is the price you pay when you reach the sporting summit of Cub Scouting. That's right, Billy is the Pinewood Derby Pro Stock champion of the world.

"Everywhere we go, that people know us, they say 'hey champ, hey champ,' " said his proud father, Eddie Bell.

After beating everyone in his pack, then sweeping through the district races, the Bells found out he was qualified for the world championships in Times Square in New York.

"We were literally in front of the Good Morning America building," Billy said. "Being there makes me feel how small I am in the world."

Thirty-one other pro stock cars stood in his way. None ultimately were faster than his "shark," though Billy didn't know that for sure until the final standings were announced.

"Once they called second and third, and it wasn't me, I said 'OK, guess I'm not gonna get one but at least I still came here,' " Billy recalled. "And then they called my name and I was like 'whoa.' Once I got that, I'm just like, shocked."

Billy has since transitioned to Boy Scouts, so his Pinewood days are done. He ended on top of the world and with a pretty sweet trophy.

And how does Billy sum it all up? Two words.

"Complete awesomeness," he said.

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