International Report: 1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes, shines light on NC domestic violence

Akilah Davis Image
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
International Report: 1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes
Statewide there have been 83 domestic violence homicides in 2024, according to data from the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- International data shows what's typically considered a safe space for women, may actually be the deadliest. Nisha Williams would know. She nearly lost her friend a few years ago when her boyfriend was accused of shooting her when he realized she was trying to leave him.

"This happened in her home. It was jarring to know I couldn't save her in that moment," said Williams.

"Domestic violence is something that impacts every community. Every identity. Every sexuality."

The most recent data released by a joint report between UN Women and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the deadliest place for women is at home. The report also said 140 women and girls on average were killed by an intimate partner or family member per day last year. This means one woman or girl is killed every 10 minutes.

According to data from the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, statewide there have been 83 domestic violence homicides in 2024.

Advocates believe there are far more.

"I know that in the United States, about 50 percent of crimes of victimization are underreported," said Lizzie Sager, who works with the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. "I think it's a little more about what society should be doing. This is on all of us to prevent this violence from occurring."

Sager works to support agencies across the state as they help domestic violence victims. It's work she says, and doesn't stop.

"Every person in every county has access to a local domestic violence shelter or advocate. They can talk with an advocate if they are not in a safe situation at home," said Sager.

As for Williams, her friend survived the shooting, but that situation continues to fuel her passion to help others.

"This impacts real people who are our friends, neighbors and family," she said.

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