RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- It's a flame that burns deep inside her.
"This is a way I can combine my two loves for science and candle making," said Kyla Smith, Ky's Kandles.
Working in clinical research, Smith is a scientist by day and that's why the candle-making studio feels so comfortable.
"The science behind candle making you would think is simply melting the wax, pour the fragrance in but no you have a certain temperature you have to add in your fragrance, you have to use a certain wick size, a certain jar size. But where I find the most excitement was blending the candle fragrances," Smith said.
In 2017, candle-making was just a hobby.
"I was actually selling candles out of my trunk. I'm like, 'hey, I have these candles! They're clean, eco-friendly ingredients free of any phthalates or toxins you can't pronounce,''" Smith said.
From the trunk to makers markets, Smith knew she wanted to expand and share candle-making with others. Ky's Kandles was born.
"I also call my studio my modern science lab. I have my fragrance bar here where people are able to combine fragrances-two, three, four-I encourage people to delve into their creative side," she said.
Nestled into the Makers Alley of North Hills, Smith sells her own blends and hosts candle-making workshops.
"That's just something that brings me joy sharing my passion in a safe space such as Ky's Kandles," she said.
Shining her light onto others, Smith says this is about much more than just a candle.
"When people purchase my candles I hope they know that they're made with love and intentionality. I hope they know these are hand-poured by me. All of them are still in small batches and feel the love through them. These are my works of art here," she said.
For more information visits Ky's Kandles website here.