Apex Publix employee gets police award for turning in cash

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Friday, April 6, 2018
Apex Publix employee turns in found money
Jake Limentani was commended by Apex Police for his good deed.

APEX, NC (WTVD) -- Jake Limentani moved to the Triangle 14 years ago and has been working at the Publix in Apex since January 2017.

The Boston native was working his shift nearly two weeks ago when he found a wad of cash. To be exact, it was $102.

"I see things get dropped all the time," Limentani said. "I was just shocked at how much money it was."

Limentani has worked in customer service at other stores in the past and has found items on several occasions.

"Half the time I see the person drop it. Half the time I don't," he said.

Usually, he will find shopping lists that customers will drop throughout the store.

"The most I've found is $300," he added.

Shortly after turning in the $102 to his store's customer service, Officer Patel with the Apex Police Department showed up to the store to file a report.

Limentani was somewhat nervous and confused.

"I'm like I don't know what this is about," Limentani said.

The next day, Limentani noticed Officer Patel walking through the store. The two noticed each other and Patel presented him with the Chief's Coin for his good deed in turning in the cash.

Thinking back, "It makes me feel really good," Limentani said. "Everyone should be doing the right thing every day. That's just what I try to do ... it's just kind of makes me flabbergasted."

Since the discovery, Limentani said he has not received any "good karma" as of yet, but "no bad karma has come my way. So that's the way I'm looking at it."

His boss, store manager Scott Gray, said Limentani is a model employee.

"We scream it from the mountaintop," Gray said. "Jake is an incredible example about how our associates should react in that situation. So we made a huge deal about it and we celebrated his decision."

Limentani and Gray are unaware if anybody has since claimed the money.

"I would have noticed if I was missing that much," Limentani laughed.

ABC11 reached out to Apex PD for comment from Officer Patel. He could not be made immediately available.

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