RALEIGH, North Carolina (WTVD) -- Folks with close ties to Wildwood Forest Elementary School say they witnessed it first during Tuesday dismissal. Police were stationed outside of the school. One officer was seen pulling over a driver, and warnings were handed out to two others motorists.
"[It's] because of ABC11, because of your report about the speeding cars. That's why," said crossing guard Radiah Hyatte.
Parents have complained of speeding drivers outside the school.
Hyatte spends each school day afternoon shielding young students from oncoming dangers.
The guard says she was reassigned after complaining that she needs more help.
"I wanted someone's eyes out here watching these kids so they can cross the street safely," she said.
Parents are heartbroken Hyatte is being switched to a different school and explained the guard has put her life on the line.
"I watched her almost get hit twice by the same person on two different days," said parent Kerry Raper.
The Raleigh Police Department is in charge of public safety along Wild Wood Forest Drive.
Raper says she has tried for months to get officers to patrol the area and shared emails dating back to 2016, when she and her husband began corresponding with police over concerns.
Raper said she's happy there was a presence after all these months but hopes it's not a one day deal.
"What I want is for a safe place for my children to cross the street from school and to come home safely, that's what I want. Whatever we need to do," she said.
Raleigh Police say they are also in the process of getting new signs approved for the area to remind drivers of the law.