Kevin Durant donates $57,000 to Oklahoma City homeless school

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Kevin Durant may be wearing a Golden State Warriors uniform these days, but he hasn't forgotten all of the connections he made in Oklahoma City.

Durant's charity foundation donated $57,000 to help Positive Tomorrows, Oklahoma City's school for homeless children. The grant will be used to purchase land to build a new school.

Durant left Oklahoma City in July, after spending eight years in the city as a perennial All-Star with the Thunder.

He had maintained a close relationship with Positive Tomorrows during his time in Oklahoma City. He delivered shoes to children at Christmas, funded a summer break camp program and paid for a new kitchen and cafeteria for the school.

Durant has said the plight of homeless children is close to his heart.

When he won the MVP award in 2014, Durant talked about the hardships of his childhood, moving from apartment to apartment, worried about having clothes on his back and food on the table. He called his mother the real MVP.

The Warriors and Durant make their first trek of the season to Oklahoma City on Feb. 11.