Raleigh was chosen because of the Triangle's vulnerability.
"We are susceptible to natural disasters from the coastline all the way to the mountains," explained Warren Moore, NC Emergency Management.
Schools and businesses register online and take a readiness test, which scores their current preparedness and finds ways to improve their preparedness. Organizations can score up to 123 and the scenarios are tailored for each city.
"What is it that we can plan to do and then practice that plan, so if the what if becomes a what now?" asked Barry Porter, American Red Cross Triangle Area Chapter.
Being prepared means being ready for a fire drill, a disaster or an accident that prevents parents from picking up their children from school.
That's exactly what happened in the ice storm of 2005. Students were stuck at school, some overnight.
Schools that take part receive a $300 safety stipend that can be used to improve readiness in the form of materials and supplies that will help improve their readiness score.
The Ready Rating Program is free. To see how your business or school rates, click here.
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