Rescued puppies at Wake SPCA ready for adoption


"It's always tragic when you see these little creatures that want so badly to interact with people but they don't know how because they've been denied that opportunity," Mondy Lamb of the Wake County SPCA explained.

Animal control raided the kennel and rescued more than 200 dogs. Thirty-one of those dogs were taken to the SPCA and most of them are ready for new homes.

"Covered with nats, some of them have mammary tumors from just being over bred, just a lifetime of over breeding," Lamb said. "They still have a lot of love to give and they're just eager to live out the rest of their lives in a loving home."

Nine dogs were moved to the SPCA adoption center Tuesday and ten more are on the way from the foster center and are now ready for adoption.

"I couldn't stand to hear their story and have them stay in a cage any longer," said Jill Judd, who adopted one of the puppies.

Judd and her boyfriend were so moved by what the dogs' endured, they decided to adopt Sparrow Wednesday afternoon.

The Shih Tzu spent seven years in a cage at the puppy mill.

"Obviously we can't take 300 home, but if we can take just one and do that, yeah, know they all deserve good homes," Judd said.

Lamb says so far, only four dogs have been adopted.

"We still have a surprising number still available for adoption," she added.

If you are interested in adopting one of the dogs, visit the Wake SPCA website.

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