It allows parents to preview their school choices for the 2012-2013 school year for the first time.
A news release said the lists are based on center of the node driving distance to each school.
Click here to go to the web site.
Superintendent Tony Tata said Friday the plan is really all about parental involvement.
"The parents know their children better than anybody. So we want the parents involved in the process. There's lots of research that shows the more parents are involved, the better their children do in school," he explained.
The district said in January, it will publish another updated web site that will show available seats at each school choice, real time numbers of requests for seats by grade level, and other key information.
Families are supposed to have a choice of at least five elementary, two middle, and two high schools based on the student assignment plan approved by the Wake County Board of Education on Oct. 18.
There are also magnet programs available to them based on their address.
Families may "grandfather" and remain at their current school, with their current level of transportation, or follow the feeder pattern aligned with their current school, regardless of the choice options presented.
Families with rising kindergartners, Wake County residents currently not in WCPSS schools, new Wake County residents, and families seeking a change in student assignment must participate in the choice selection process.
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