State school officials are scheduled to vote Thursday to expand the school year to 185 days. Many school districts across the state say they feel the additional week of school could have a negative financial impact on them.
"They would essentially have to take resources out of the classroom, either remove teachers, increase class size, remove TAs, whatever, for the additional cost, to cover the five days," said State Board of Education Section Chief Andrew Cox.
Many school districts are requesting the days be added as teacher work days, but the school board says it won't allow waivers.
"I'm not inclined to approve any of them," School Board Chairman Dr. Bill Harrison said. "It's legislation with which I agree and I think it could have a positive impact. However, I think there are a lot of circumstances out there that are really going to cause hardships for our districts, and I hate that."
Wake County Public Schools says it will not comment until the state makes its final decision. They are saying their year-round schools could face serious hardships. The academic calendars are already tight, and the additional days could cause year-round schools to overlap by as many as 20 days. School officials would also be tasked with finding money to fund the extra week of school.
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