What a difference a few days make. Last weeks rains raised the level at Falls Lake by about five feet -- huge improvement.
This time last week, it was about one third full. Now, it's about 3 quarters full.
"It's been an amazing last few days, the lake has continued to rise, still is rising as we speak now," said Ed Buchan, Raleigh's Water Conservation Specialist.
Raleigh's mayor agrees.
"It's great news for everyone on our system, means we will have water through the summer and fall," Charles Meeker said Monday.
And it means some are already wondering when the current Stage 2 rules may be lifted -- or at least modified for certain industries.
Phil Campbell, owner of Campbell Road Nursery in Raleigh, is one of them. She says business has been decent despite the restrictions, but she thinks the city should lessen up a bit now that the drought situation is improving.
"We would just like to hand water once a week and drip irrigate, and that's not a lot of water," Campbell said.
For now, the city is not budging. Meeker said he plans on keeping the Stage 2 rules in place for all until Falls Lake is full.
He did say the city may look to buy additional water from Cary, which it could allocate to nurseries, powerwashers and other businesses hit hard by the rules.