Note this calculator is only valid for Raleigh residents.
First, find out the assessed value of your home by logging on to:
Take the assessed value of your home and divide it by 100.
For example, if your home is assessed at $150,000, you would calculate $150,000/100 = 1500.
You will use that number to calculate your estimated property taxes, which are calculated based on a tax rate per each $100 of assessed property value.
Use that figure, in our example $1500, and multiply it by both Wake County's property tax rate and Raleigh's property tax rate.
Wake County's property tax rate is 53.4 cents per $100 of assessed property value.
Raleigh's property tax rate is 37.35 cents per $100 of assessed property value.
So in this example:
Wake County: .534 X 1500 = $801 in property taxes to Wake County
Raleigh: .3735 X 1500 = $560.25 in property taxes to Raleigh
Total property taxes for a home assessed at $150,000 would be roughtly $1361.25