The Russ Bus comes to Raleigh

RALEIGH The national syndicated radio host Russ Parr is going on the city-to-city tour with a message to young people about gang prevention.

"A lot people in this area Raleigh-Durham don't realize gang-banging is passe, they aren't doing it anywhere else and all the cats who wanted to do it on the East Coast and West Coast is coming here because they can't do it anymore," Parr explained.

But Parr says there is hope, "The message I wanted to get to the young girls out there they have the power if young girls are not attracted to gangsters they are going to put down the guns and bandanas."

One young girl said she was encouraged and educated at the rally. "We learned about AIDS, H-I-V, how to stay away from drugs and gangs."

That rally offered free school supplies for students, voter registration, job applications, HIV/STD education with private screening and free testing.

There was also a free concert with Ray J and various pop artists.

The event was sponsored by local radio station K97.5 owned and operated by Radio One Raleigh.

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