The video allegedly shows 16-year-old Brittani Rice pummeling 15-year-old Angela Gardner, while Rice's mother and others watched near a Falls Lake boat ramp in August.
The attack was allegedly the result of an ongoing feud between the girls that started over a boy several months before the incident.
"Brittani and Angela were really good friends and me and the mother, I thought were really good friends," Gardner's mother Lisa Gardner said. "And I'm sad that it came to this. If they did this to my child who's to say they won't do it to somebody else's."
The fight led to charges of assault inflicting serious injury against Rice. Her 34-year-old mother, Tabatha Edwards, was charged with aiding and abetting.
Both were supposed to face a judge Wednesday afternoon in Raleigh. A sheriff's investigator and the Gardner family waited for more than an hour for Rice and Edwards.
However, the judge wasn't as patient.
"These folks are called and failed," Wake District Court Judge Anne Salisbury said. "I'm going to issue an order for their arrest and place a substantial cash bond."
Arrest warrants have been issued for the mother and daugher.
Last time, their bonds were $2,000. This time it's $10,000 cash for each of them.
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