Durham CrimeStoppers Most Wanted for March

Monday, March 5, 2018
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
(Credit: Durham police)
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Durham CrimeStoppers Most Wanted for March(Credit: Durham police)
Credit: Durham police

What is CrimeStoppers?

CrimeStoppers is a nonprofit organization that involves the public, the media and the police in the fight against crime. It offers anonymity and cash rewards to people who furnish information leading to the arrest of felony crime offenders. Anonymity overcomes fear of involvement, and cash overcomes apathy.

Click here for the CrimeStoppers website

Call Crimestoppers at (919) 683-1200

How Does it Work?

Local law enforcement agencies conduct CrimeStoppers investigations, but a board of directors made up of citizens from a broad cross-section of the community is responsible for establishing CrimeStoppers' policy, raising funds, and determining the amount and method of reward payments. CrimeStoppers programs are nonprofit corporations.

The CrimeStoppers coordinator, who is a police officer, processes information received through a special CrimeStoppers telephone line - (919)683-1200.

This phone line is answered in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Callers, who never have to give their names, are given code names or numbers. When a caller's information leads to an arrest, the caller again contacts the CrimeStoppers coordinator to establish a method of payment. A number of callers entitled to rewards do not accept them.

Who Benefits?

The community! The program is a true partnership between the community, the media, and law-enforcement. Citizens are involved. Crimes are solved. Stolen property is recovered. Drugs are confiscated. Criminals are jailed. CrimeStoppers helps make our community a safer and better place to live, work and play.

How Big are the Rewards?

Rewards range from a low of $100 to a high of $1,200. The amount of the reward is based on the seriousness of the crime and the amount and type of information provided by the caller.

Who Do I Call?

Call (919) 683-1200 for English or Spanish; to provide the confidential information necessary for the arrest of the person(s) who committed the reported crime. Remember, all information is confidential and the caller always remains anonymous.

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