Teacher Appreciation Week: Brandon Daniel of Burton Elementary School

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Teacher Appreciation Week: Brandon Daniel - Burton Magnet School
We're honoring a fifth-grade math and science teacher at Burton Magnet School in Durham as part of Teacher Appreciation Week.

DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- Brandon Daniel is a 5th-grade math and science teacher at Burton Elementary School in Durham. Daniel is one of the many educators ABC11 is highlighting during Teacher Appreciation Week.

"I would say that he knows how to give students wings and he knows how to give them roots," Principal Dr. Kimberly Ferrell said of Daniel. "When I say wings, I mean he knows how to cause them to soar and get them to choose to be able to soar. When I say roots, I mean he gives them a strong foundation in learning."

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Daniel has been a teacher with Burton Magnet for over 10 years. He is the current Durham District Teacher of the Year.

"It's overwhelming to even think about it at times because we have so many good teachers," Daniel said of the honor.