Maryland woman mauled to death by pit bull she adopted 2 weeks before

Thursday, September 6, 2018

BALTIMORE, Md. -- Police said a Maryland woman is dead after she was mauled to death by a pit bull she adopted just two weeks earlier.

The woman has been identified as 64-year-old Robin Conway.

On Monday, authorities were dispatched to Conway's home on Tamar Drive after reports of the attack.

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The incident happened when Conway took the dog out for their evening walk.

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According to WMAR, when she didn't return, her family got worried.

Conway's husband looked outside and found her lying in the backyard with the dog standing over her.

The family quickly tied the dog to a fence post and called 911.

After officers arrived, Conway was pronounced dead at the scene.

After attempts to subdue the dog failed, he was euthanized.

It was a tragedy for the family, especially because Conway's sister Susan LeClair said she loved animals.

"She was in love with that dog," LeClair told WMAR. "And she is in love with animals -- Robin ... loved animals, all kinds of animals. I was the one that wimped out. She was the one who said, 'oh I'll take the fish off the hook."