With help from ABC11 viewers, Wake Forest mom finally gets special van

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Diane Wilson Image
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
With help from ABC11 viewers, Wake Forest mom finally gets special van
Ursula Thompson with her daughters in their wheelchair-accessible van

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (WTVD) -- A Wake Forest family is enjoying a life changing gift thanks to the outpouring support from ABC11 viewers. Ursula Thompson and her two girls, Jaidah and Morgan, finally have the wheelchair-accessible van they've been praying for.

More than $37,000 dollars was raised to help the girls get their van.

"We are just grateful, sometimes I still can't believe it's mine. I look out in the yard and I'm like, 'it's mine,' so we're just excited," Ursula exclaimed.

Watch: Ursula Thompson says THANK YOU! to ABC11 viewers

Ursula Thompson says she's so grateful to everyone who helped her get a special-needs van

I first told you about their need in January. 13-year-old Jaidah and 9-year-old Morgan were both born with a rare brain disorder, agenesis of the corpus callosum.

With the girls getting older, and heavier, lifting them in and out of Ursula's van is becoming harder.

"Even a simple task like going to the grocery store takes like 20 minutes or so just to get them into the car and get on our way," Ursula said.

After our story, donations poured into the girls GoFundMe page. A local car club, Wake Forest Mustangs, hosted a car-poker run to help raise money for Ursula's van.

Several Wake Forest businesses even held fundraisers for Ursula and her girls.

Finally the goal was reached and Ursula had enough money to buy a Ford Transit with all of the donated funds.

Through a state program, the van was modified for the girls so Ursula could just wheel the girls right into the van, no heavy lifting required.

"It has made life a lot easier," she added. "We get out more. No more lifting chairs in the back in the van, we can roll them right into the van."

Ursula Thompson and her daughters in their new van

Ursula says the van is also much safer for the girls since they never have to leave their wheelchairs.

"Definitely better for them. There's no more risk of me dropping them or them getting hurt," Ursula said.

Ursula says she will never forget how she got this life changing gift, "Thank you to all of the viewers for helping my girls we are really so thankful and grateful," she added.

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