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be the match
Chief of Staff for Governor donates kidney, saves stranger's life
Kristi Jones' journey towards becoming a living kidney donor began with a chance encounter at a Super Bowl party.
Robin Roberts shares her story to encourage more bone marrow donors
League City parents turn their loss into a mission to save lives
NC woman saves stranger's life: Be The Match
Biggest names in high school basketball play in Durham on Monday
64-year old leukemia survivor biking 3,500 miles for Be The Match
Brother's gift of bone marrow helps Durham boy get back on his feet
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Duke medical student holds own Ironman to benefit Be The Match
ABC11 Together Match Madness
Baby diagnosed with leukemia; mom begs minorities to donate bone marrow
Cancer to cured: Fayetteville family hosts 'Be the Match' event
UNC student who got bone marrow now helps save another's life
ABC11 Together: 'Be The Match' event in Henderson
UNC women's basketball hosts 'Be the Match' Night
Are you a bone-marrow match? You might save a life
PHOTOS: ABC11 at Match Madness
Bickering Fayetteville sisters unite to fight sickle cell
Sisters battle sickle cell together
Chapel Hill boy may need third bone-marrow transplant
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More Stories
Robin Roberts shares her story to encourage more bone marrow donors
League City parents turn their loss into a mission to save lives
NC woman saves stranger's life: Be The Match
Biggest names in high school basketball play in Durham on Monday
64-year old leukemia survivor biking 3,500 miles for Be The Match
Brother's gift of bone marrow helps Durham boy get back on his feet
Duke medical student holds own Ironman to benefit Be The Match
ABC11 Together Match Madness
Baby diagnosed with leukemia; mom begs minorities to donate bone marrow
Cancer to cured: Fayetteville family hosts 'Be the Match' event
UNC student who got bone marrow now helps save another's life
ABC11 Together: 'Be The Match' event in Henderson
UNC women's basketball hosts 'Be the Match' Night
Are you a bone-marrow match? You might save a life
PHOTOS: ABC11 at Match Madness
Bickering Fayetteville sisters unite to fight sickle cell
Sisters battle sickle cell together
Chapel Hill boy may need third bone-marrow transplant
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