Start the New Year fit and healthy with Jillian Michaels' new book 'The Six Keys'

ByJennifer Matarese WTVD logo
Monday, December 24, 2018
Start the New Year fit with Jillian Michaels' 'The Six Keys'
Jennifer Matarese interviews Jillians Michaels about her newest book.

NEW YORK -- As we approach the New Year, you may be considering losing weight as part of your New Year's resolution. But before you jump on the next fad diet, Jillian Michaels says she can help give you the tools to meet your goals, but in a healthy way.

Her new book The Six Keys: Unlock Your Genetic Potential for Ageless Strength, Health, and Beauty examines how your body can be its most healthy at any age.

"It is a lifestyle plan, it is a way of life," Michaels said. "It's not a quick fix, I wish it was, I'd sell a million copies, but if you want to accomplish that, this is what needs to happen."

You may remember Michaels from The Biggest Loser TV show where she was a trainer helping people transform their lives. Now she works as a life coach, health and fitness expert, nutritionist, and wellness entrepreneur. In fact, she's an eight-time New York Times bestselling author!

"There is nothing in your genes that tells you 'die,'" Michaels said. "When we look for answers it is six body processes that are responsible for how well you are aging or conversely how poor you are aging."

She shares charming anecdotal stories about her own experiences and tells you how she uses exercise and healthy eating to keep her youthful appearance.

Michaels explained why your metabolism slowing down as you age isn't a bad thing.

"Studies show us a fast metabolism, a body that utilizes a tremendous amount of fuel a day is aging more quickly because it's more oxidative stress," she said. "As we age our metabolism is slowing for a reason and that reason is to keep us around longer."

Michaels says if using the New Year is the catalyst you need to get started on a healthy path, use it!

"It does psychologically represent a fresh start, so why not take advantage of that?" Michaels said. "Work with a purpose becomes a passion."

Also, feel free to have a drink this New Year's Eve. Michaels states in her book that you can have up to six alcoholic beverages, spread out throughout the week. Everything in moderation!

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