Drone helps reunite lost puppy with owner

ByMatteo Iadonisi Localish logo
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 3:07PM
Drone helps reunite lost puppy with owner
This 5-month-old puppy, Shade, was lost for over 24 hours. Then, a drone found him in just 41 minutes.

CHERRY HILL, New Jersey -- Gina Manfredi and her dog, Shade, have only been together for a few months. They became a family in late 2024 following the passing of Manfredi's previous dog of 14 years.

But tragedy struck when Shade got spooked and ran away from home.

Manfredi was first aided by family, friends, neighbors, and 'Bailey's Bridge To Home Rescue & Recovery'.

Then, on the second night of searching, Michael Parziale of 'U.S.A.R. Drone Team' came to the rescue.

Parziale founded the organization to honor his father and grandfathers who served in the United States military.

The funds they acquire for their rescue services benefit veterans. They also have a GoFundMe page that raises funds to aid clients who may have financial barriers.

After 27 hours of searching, U.S.A.R. Drone Team found Shade the dog in just 41 minutes.

Watch the video above to hear the amazing story in their own words.


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