"I'm thumping through potholes and it's really worse in a minivan, because it just jaunts it all over the road," said John Landis with Landis Construction.
One by one tires plunge into potholes along Glenwood Avenue near Downtown Raleigh.
The wear and tear on Landis' work van is causing his shocks to go. He says it's an added expense for something he feels shouldn't be there in the first place.
Don't I pay taxes for that? I do," Landis said. "So shouldn't they fix the roads?"
Raleigh road crews usually would within 24 hours and then they would bill the state.
"They get bigger and bigger and it seems like it takes forever for them to fix it," Landis said.
And it might take even longer now, tough economic times have wiped out the city and state's arrangement.
State DOT officials say plugging holes is a top priority on state roads, and roads within the city.
Thursday morning, just hours after seven cars blew out their tires and bent their rims, crews put a temporary patch over a pothole at Buffaloe Road just east of the Neuse River Bridge.
The state says those drivers can submit a claim to the dot for reimbursement, but it's not a guarantee.
"It's important for them to take care of it, because people are riding around they don't really have the money for new rims, new tires," driver Tammy Medlin said.