"There's a move under foot to change the face of public education," Superintendent Atkinson said.
Atkinson said the future of the state schools is a priority for North Carolina.
"I believe that Governor Perdue is committed to public education and that she will do whatever she can to make sure the last thing they do cut is education," Atkinson said.
Atkinson also believes the stimulus money will play a major role in the state's education, and that it will go to the appropriate places.
According to Atkinson, the federal stimulus package will provide money to three areas -- students with special needs, instruction and the Stabilization Act under Gov. Perdue.
Here's a breakdown, she says the stimulus package will provide money to three areas. Students with special needs, instruction and the Stabilization act under the Governor.
A lot of the money will be spent on public and post secondary education.
Atkinson said she believes it will work out. "I am always optimistic of the American spirit and what we can do to get us out of that hole that we are in so we can come out more prosperous."