Since August, David Bowden has fought City Hall not with a lawyer, but with orange spray paint and the front of his house facing traffic. He now has a spot-light for people to see the sign even after dusk.
Bowden claims a street expansion on Maynard Road has flooded his home.
He says the town built him a new steep driveway that's funneling water into his basement.
"They've done nothing, but jerk me around on the whole deal," Bowden said.
Bowden says city engineers need to see the light.
"If I had gone to college to be an engineer, and they didn't teach me that water runs down hill, I think I'd want to get my tuition back from them," he said.
City leaders have suggested Bowden's flood damage came before the road repair.
"I say a bunch of bull," Bowden said.
For four months, town officials have threatened Bowden with fines for his sign. So far, they have not levied a dime.
"That's a violation of my rights under the Constitution," he said.
Bowden says it's too late for a city repair. Now, it's about the money.
"Tax value of my house, plus $80K for BSNA," Bowden said.
ABC11 Eyewitness News did not ask Bowden what all that meant.
Tuesday afternoon, the Town of Cary released a statement to ABC11 Eyewitness News that said: "The Town of Cary remains extremely disappointed that Mr. Bowden has continued to decline to meet our community standards. It continues to be our hope that he will express himself according to the town's sign ordinance. While our goal is not to collect money, Mr. Bowden's continued action could result in fining commencing at any moment."
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