Clark is ready to press charges.
"They say he slammed the classroom door and just went towards him, and my son said he got scared and he just ran in the corner and that's when he pulled him in and pushed a table on him then drug him back across and took him to the principal's office by his collar," Clark explained.
Clark's son, Alonzo, is making the allegations.
Alonzo says the substitute was a big man, weighing more than 400 pounds. Willie says he took his son to the doctor after the incident because Alonzo suffered strained muscles in his abdomen because of the way the teacher pulled him from behind the table.
The incident is being investigated by the Cumberland County Board of Education. While the investigation is underway, there have been some changes for the substitute teacher.
"He is temporarily removed from our substitute list, and pending the outcome of the investigation what could happen could be permanent removal from the substitute list," said Theresa Perry, Cumberland County Public School spokesperson.
ABC11 was unable to get in touch with the teacher to hear his side of the story. In addition to the Board of Education's investigation, the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office is looking into the matter but so far, no charges have been filed.
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