Elmhurst College students travel to see inauguration

January 20, 2013 (ELMHURST, Ill.)

The students are a diverse group. Some are freshman still excited about their first election. Others are seniors ready to enter the job market. With majors ranging from economics to education, they share the desire to witness history.

For senior Seccoyah Williams, who is about to graduate in a month, witnessing history on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is icing on the cake.

"I'm going to witness the first black president inaugurated for the second time," she said. "That is awesome as an African American woman."

It's an opportunity many here couldn't pass up.

"I've always loved history, since I've been little this is so excited to witness it," freshman Patrick Ackerman said.

The plan is to drive by bus all night Sunday, arrive in DC by 7:30 a.m. Monday, then walk three and half miles to the National Mall by the time President Obama is sworn in.

They hope to get as close as they can.

The trip was organized by freshman Stanley Washington, who like many of these students cast his first presidential vote in November 2012.

"Being able to vote and say we contributed to the political process and now going to the inauguration," he said. "Fantastic moment for us."

One doesn't have to be old enough to vote to appreciate the memory.

Autumn Beauchamp, 9, is tagging along with her dad for the historic event. "I'm going to tell all my friends i saw the president live," she said.

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