Several mayors and the sheriff have come out against the policy –refusing to sign it.
A meeting held with the school board chair Thursday, may lead to changes in the policy.
"I can understand that they're trying to protect the children," /*Wake Forest Mayor*/ Vivian Jones said. "I think the tone of that policy is offensive and demeaning."
She feels the policy is demeaning because the form asks all guest speakers to promise not to denigrate any culture or religion and to present accurate, factual information –something local leaders say they were elected to do.
"We're elected officials, we put our names on the line," Jones said.
The policy is in response to a former /*Enloe High School*/ teacher. He lost his position after inviting a controversial Christian speaker to his class.
A year later, the fallout continues with local leaders asking the school board to rethink their protective policy.
"The administrators and the principals ought to have some discretion there, that's what I'm suggesting," Garner Mayor Ronnie Williams said.