The 'wolf alert' system is designed to get the word out as quickly as possible. Eleven warning towers were put on the campus after the shooting at /*Virginia Tech*/.
The system will emit a pulsed-piercing tone, followed by voice instruction –which will be used to warn students and faculty of emergency situations.
The tone, voice test and concluding all-clear sign, will last about 10 minutes Monday and will be the most involved of the many monthly tests to follow.
"The school notified you when you signed up for class to check a box if you want to receive /*text messages*/ about any possible emergencies," /*NC State Senior*/, Doug Ackerman said.
"I remember the shootings at Virginia Tech last year that had a big impact on me and everyone at NC State and because of that, I decided to sign up for it. I actually got a text test message about two weeks ago," sophomore, James McGee added.
However, it seems some students throughout the state are not embracing the system.
"Some people probably find it as spamming type and they'd be afraid it would be overused," Ackerman said.
Students will be on spring break during the test alert Monday, but safety officials will be on-site making sure the equipment is functioning correctly.