Council unanimously lifts garbage disposal ban


The /*city council*/ made the decision Tuesday, about one month after putting the controversial /*ban*/ in place.

With a quick vote and little discussion, the council unanimously lifted the /*disposal ban*/ which had prohibited the appliances in new homes and the replacement of broken disposals in existing houses.

Most leaders initially supported it because they said food scraps and grease put down disposals contributes to backups and overflows in the sewer system.

After lobbying from the disposal industry and a after hearing from a scientist at last week's meeting, council members decided that sludge, which clogs sewers, is not composed of food scraps.

In other words, they now believe food doesn't directly lead to /*sewer*/ problems.

For council member Philip Isley, it was vindication of sorts. He was the only council member to oppose the ban from the beginning.

"I think the main thing that's come out is when you act with great speed and haste, sometimes you make mistakes, and I think that's clearly what happened here," Isley said. "And, fortunately, the majority of the city council recognized they made a mistake passing the ban."

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