The unit moved more than a billion gallons of fuel and shipped nearly 50,000 tons of munitions. The only weight that's on Sergeant Robert Graham's mind now is his ten-pound son. Graham missed the birth of his son because he was deployed.
"I called and they were getting ready to send home. She was already in labor and she had already had the baby. So mission came first - a couple of days came down so I had to take care of that before I came home. So I waited it out until December and I made it home to see my son." Graham explains seeing his son now is, "Great! It's great! He's Big!"
Lieutenant Commander Marvin Thornton explains the mission of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command is one that keeps our soldiers equipped to do what they need to do. "The new equipment... the N-Wraps the ammunition the food... all that we coordinate and make sure it gets to Iraq as well as Afghanistan," Thornton said.
So if they didn't do their jobs, Thornton adds, "It'll be a short war. Very short."
The 1st TSC also conducted customs inspections for more than 697,000 bags, 222 aircrafts and nearly 63,000 combat vehicles. They also trained coalition troops and moved them into Iraq.