A sobbing Wilson called 911 in mid-February 2007 to say that he found his wife dead on the floor of their home near Wendell. The couple's two young children were in the house at the time. During the call Wilson said he found a note scrawled in Nneka Wilson's blood. It said, 'You're (expletive) is dead. You're next.'
At first Wilson, 24, told investigators he believed the message was left by rival gang members. He later admitted he stabbed his wife to death. Wilson allegedly recruited Holder, who's nickname was 'Ruthless', and another teenager, Roderick Howell, to help stage and clean up the scene after the murder.
Holder took the stand Tuesday morning and is under direct examination from a Wake County prosecutor. He admitted to writing the note on the wall in Nneka Wilson's blood.
Although Wilson has admitted killing his wife, he claims it was in a fit of anger and not premeditated. Holder testified, however, that in a phone call before Nneka Wilson's murder, Jakiem Wilson told Holder he [Wilson] "was thinking about killing her."
Holder also testified that he and Howell were forced by Wilson to help in the crime. Holder said Wilson threatened to "kill them too" if they didn't cooperate. Howell is expected to take the stand later in the trial.
Prosecutors want jurors to find Wilson guilty of first degree murder and put him on death row.