Sir John Hampton, 17, continues to recover at UNC Hospitals. The family of the student who died talked with /*Eyewitness News*/ about their loss.
It has been a tough 24 hours for Vannie and Oterra Parker. They are still shocked by the crash that killed their son.
"It was just like a dream," Oterra, stepmother, said. "I couldn't believe it. That he was gone."
Vannie says he recieved the call. "I got a phone call and they told me he was in a major accident and it was down there near Andrews Road. So I just jumped in my truck and I drove down there to find out what was going on.
Authorities say Vannie's son, Vannie Parker, V was a passenger in the vehicle driven by Hampton. Both teens were members of the Pine Forest High School Marching Band.
The /*Highway Patrol*/ told Eyewitness News Hampton's vehicle was traveling nearly 80 mph when he lost control and flipped upside down into a home on Famers Road.
Oterra was devastated by the news. "We laughed, joked constantly, playing around," she said. "He was a great kid. He was. He was special to me."
The Parkers describe their son as an all around guy. Music was his greatest love and the /*Pine Forest Marching Band*/ was extra special to him.
"I think that was the highlight of going to school because during the winter football games... between the band competitions and playing on Friday nights and going to rehearsals," Vannie said. "He lived for that. So, he really loved that band."
The Parkers are still making final arrangement for their son's funeral. Hundreds of students, family and friends are expected.
"I want him to be remembered as a loving, kind, generous person who gave his all in whatever he was in and he loved people," Vannie said. "And I want everybody to know that all his friends -- that he truly loved them."
The band is also planning to do things to remember Vannie. They plan to retire his uniform during a special ceremony at the school.