- Ask for photo identification from the salesperson.
- If dealing with a company, verify that they are legitimate and licensed. Ask for the company's address and phone number.
- Check with the Better Business Bureau before purchasing anything from the company or before signing any contracts.
- Be suspicious of anyone who tries to sell the product or service by playing on your emotions or using heavy handed sales tactics.
- Be suspicious of anyone who tells you he is selling the service or product at the lowest price or who tells you his competitors do bad work.
- If you are convinced you need the product or service, always comparison shop.
- Be suspicious if the salesperson is unable to provide reference information.
- Do not be rushed. A legitimate salesperson will allow you time to check their claims.
And last but not least:
- If you do not recognize the person at your door, you do not have to answer it. Call 911 to report any suspicious activity.