The FTC is getting support in the effort from North Carolina's attorney general's office which said Thursday that it's cracking down on one such business in Raleigh.
Before the housing bubble burst, buying a home was within the reach of many Americans. Only one thing stood in their way --bad credit.
Thousands of companies sprang up to cover that need and some, including this one according to the state attorney general, broke the law.
Cliff Edmundson and his wife Karla were victims of "Life Changing Credit Repair Services" according to the attorney general. But the woman who runs the now renamed company denies it.
"It is slanderment of my name and I'm prepared to countersue them or sue all parties involved," business owner Anquella Davis said.
The attorney general's office sticks by its charges and has filed suit. And when Davis went to the attorney general's office to complain, she was asked by security to leave the building.
She says the complaints against her are bogus excuses by disgruntled former clients.
"They don't take the blame for their financial un-discipline; I guess is what you would say," Davis said.
"It wasn't like that at all," Edmundson said. "Her job was to help us get our credit repaired. She said she was going to repair our credit."
The Edmundson's don't know if they'll ever see their money again, but they say their credit certainly hasn't been repaired.
They currently rent a house in Clayton. And like many who want their credit repaired, they had one goal --to buy their own home.
"To me that's the American dream," Edmundson said. "That's what I always wanted, for me and my family."
The Edmundson's now know the best way to repair your credit is with free, readily available advice.
"Do it on your own," Karla said. "It may take longer but at least you'll know it's done the honest way."
Despite their experience the Edmundson's say they still aren't giving up on the dream of home ownership.