Roxboro plant to lay off workers

ROXBORO "It's a shock to everybody here and I hope that things will pick up," employee Melvin Whitlock said.

"People need their jobs, because they got cars and homes and stuff to pay for," Sonya Coleman added.

The plant will lay-off 120 workers at the end of this month. Only 40 will remain onboard to keep the factory open.

"I don't know if I'm one them 40 that they going to keep on so," employee William Jackson said.

Jackson, a fork lift operator, is one of several first shift workers who found out Thursday morning during an employee appreciation banquet.

"Yeah, I call it the last supper, but yeah they gave us an appreciation --that's when they told us the bad news," Jackson said.

Georgia-Pacific is a wood products facility that specializes in making beams used to build roofs and flooring in new homes.

A company spokeswoman out of Atlanta blames the soft economy and slumping housing market for the layoffs.

The workers who will be laid off will not receive any kind of severance benefits, because this is only a temporary measure.

For now Jackson and the others hold out hope they will be one of 40 who will stay.

"I think I'm going to just see what comes, you know just ask the Lord and pray and hope," he said.

The company says the lays off are temporary --meaning workers could be asked to return. No word on when that might be.

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