NAACP wants action against racial graffiti

RALEIGH The NAACP has requested that the students who painted the remarks in the free expression tunnel be expelled, that NC State should clearly define hate speech and require a diversity class.

NC State says that's not going to happen.

The NAACP says by not expelling the students, NC State is creating a hostile environment where students fear the person sitting next to them in class may have been the one who painted the remarks.

The day after the election, Eyewitness News was shown a cell phone picture of the remarks that included, "let's shoot that n-word in the head."

The secret service and NC State investigated and found while the language was racist and hateful it wasn't a crime.

The NAACP says it's taking four steps to make NC State a safer place.

They are organizing an on campus unity rally after the Thanksgiving holiday to make clear the strong support for the students' demands.

They are requesting a meeting with the Wake County district attorney to understand why the insident isn't considered a hate crime.

They also want a meeting with UNC System President, Erskine Bowles.

NAACP is also requesting federal funds be cut to NC State for tolerating racially discriminatory educational practices.

No official response yet from n c state about these actions.

The Wake County district attorney tells Eyewitness News that if the NAACP asks him for a meeting, he'll meet with him.

But he points out while the words were threatening and racist it's not considered a crime since the threat wasn't given to that person, in this case President-elect Obama.

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