Teachers wonder if they have jobs

RALEIGH Budget cuts and uncertainty forced the district to not renew more than a thousand contracts, but Lanane says about 800 were expecting to be rehired last week.

Now, she says they likely won't get any news until July.

"I think that there's a lot of anxiety right now. We have one more, one more paycheck before the end of the school for the traditional calendar and if that's your last paycheck that's coming, that's very, very scary," she explained. "People can't wait around to find out if there's going to be a job for them in August. They have to know they have income coming in."

Wake County schools spokesman Michael Evans says the district's hands are tied.

"Two thirds of our operating budget comes from the State of North Carolina. Until they have a firm budget, we won't really have a good handle on exactly what our funding source is going to be like," he explained.

He says the system will likely hire teachers on a month-to-month basis.

"We don't want to hire somebody and then have to turn around and lay them off two months later so we're trying to be as sympathetic as possible," he said.

Lanane says whatever the decision - it needs to happen soon - so teachers can move on with their lives.

"We're gonna lose some really, really good people to other jobs, other professions because of this this year," she said.

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