Troubleshooter: Sod Scam

RALEIGH Klus gave the owner, Charles White, his debit card and was charged $493 and then gave White an additional $300 in cash for the job.

"He said he would come back once it dried up, several weeks passed, and it was dry and I never heard from him," Klus said.

So he kept calling White.

"I contacted him again, he said he would come out and he didn't show again," Klus said.

After several broken promises, Klus just wanted his $793 back.

"It's been really frustrating, I was set to go having the grass in the yard and trying to have my yard look better for the spring," Klus said. "This point it's been two months."

He says White did promise a refund, but more broken promises.

"No money, no grass," Klus said. "I'm just trying to get some help for it."

Troubleshooter Diane Wilson got in touch with White.

White blamed the delay on bad luck, as he says his truck broke down and he also broke his foot, but he would give Klus his $793 back within a week.

But once again Klus saw no refund and no sod he said he wanted White "exposed so no one else gets taken advantage of."

Besides Klus, Troubleshooter Diane Wilson heard from five other customers of Charles White's Xtreme Turf. The company is based out of Hope Mills.

All of the customers say they found White the same way through an ad on Craigslist. Out of the six homeowner's total, only one did eventually get a refund, but the other five still no money or sod.

Remember, when hiring anyone, check references, don't put a large chunk of change down until at least the work gets started, and also try never to pay with debit or cash, instead credit card, so at least you can dispute it.

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