Your Money: Kids Exchange

RALEIGH Twice a year, the sale attracts over 25,000 people.

The inventory ranges from everything for newborns up to teenagers, including racks and racks of clothes, as well as just about any toy. This time it will be geared towards fall and winter items.

Kids Exchange organizers said anyone interested in selling has to follow a few steps to make money.

"The sellers pull out what they want to sell, they tag it with our system, they bring items and put it on floor exactly where they want it to be," co-founder Amy Winstead said. "Do not bring things that you would not buy, nothing with stains, missing buttons, things that don't work."

Anyone interested in becoming a seller can sign up on the Kids Exchange Web site.

For more information visit

Specific supplies are required.

"You will need cardstock and it's heavier than regular paper, and it's mandatory," Winstead said.

Sellers are in charge of pricing every item. If items sell, sellers receive two-thirds of the price.

Winstead said on average most people make $3 to $500.

She said first time sellers with several kids and lots of baby items, really cash in.

"You literally can make several thousand dollars your first time around digging through all those baby items, getting cleaned and washed," Winstead said.

For more money saving tips and freebies check out Troubleshooter Diane Wilson's blog.

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