Troubleshooter: Computer breakdown

RALEIGH A Triangle woman said when she had computer problems; she had to send the whole thing back to the manufacturer.

Amy Wilson told ABC11 that shortly after getting her Dell computer it kept crashing.

"They said it was a defective hard drive and they told me to send it back," she said. "They sent a box so I sent it back."

Two weeks later, she said she got the computer back, along with the defective hard drive.

"It was in a demagnetized bag and it was stamped defective hard drive all over it," Wilson said. "It was defective I didn't think I needed it, and they said they were sending a new one in a separate package.

Once Wilson got the new hard drive, she said she threw the defective hard drive away. The she said she got a call from Dell wanting it back.

"They started talking about returning the old one and I was like I don't have the old one, I threw it out when it said I didn't need to return it," she said.

Wilson said something she couldn't understand was that when they sent the defective hard drive back and also sent the new hard drive, there was a slip included from Dell that stated if it was a replacement order the part she received did not require her to return of the defective part.

"They said if I don't return it they're going to charge me," Wilson said.

Wilson then contacted the Troubleshooter, because she said she did not want to be charged.

When ABC11 got in touch with Dell, a Dell representative got directly in touch with Wilson.

Wilson said the representative let her know she would not be charged for not returning the defective part.

She also said the rep with Dell told her they believed it was an honest mistake on Wilson's part, and advised her in the future that all parts needed to be returned to the company.

Wilson added she still has problems with the computer working properly, but a Dell technician has been working with her to get the kinks worked out.

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