Andrew Young returns to court


Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, is suing Young for the return of an alleged sex tape and photos featuring her and Edwards claiming an invasion of privacy.

Superior Court Judge Abraham Penn Jones ordered that Young turn over the video and other photos to the court while the case is heard. Young was found in contempt when he did not imediately do so.

Young has since turned over tapes and other material, but Jones heard arguments Tuesday from Hunter's lawyers who claim Young still hasn't complied - saying there are more copies of the video and her privacy continues to be violated.

They also asked the judge to deny Young's new lawyer access to the tape the court has - saying the more people who view it, the more Hunter's privacy is violated.

"These new lawyers don't need to see this new tape. Their previous lawyers saw it and can share. It's disturbing that those lawyers want to see this tape," offered one of Hunter's attorneys.

Judge Jones told the lawyers he would not decide the issue of lawyer access to the video until after Hunter has given her deposition in the case.

Young says he found the tape in a house he rented for Hunter. His lawyers have argued that she gave up ownership of it by abandoning it and not trying to claim it for several years.

In a new affidavit released Tuesday, Hunter denies she ever abandoned the tape and claims the Youngs took over 100 photos from her without her permission.

Click here to read the affidavit (.pdf)

News of the existence of the tape came to light when Young published his new book 'The Politician' in which he documents the Edwards' affair and his role in helping cover it up as Edwards ran for president.

In Tuesday's hearing, Judge Jones gave the Youngs until March 5 to submit a new affidavit about their production of materials - the chain of custody and who they gave the video and pictures to and how.

Jones put off a ruling on the contempt issue until March 9.

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