Critics say it would re-segregate the school system. Supporters argue it would be better for all students. The talk of ending the diversity policy is even getting national attention.
The New York Times wrote an article on the board's decision that was published Saturday. Click here to read article
The school board's vote could come on Tuesday but both critics and supporters of the new policy say the fight will not be over.
One of the chants yelled out at Saturday's Historic Thousands on Jones street rally, "Hey hey ho ho John Tedesco's got to go!"
The subject of their chant is Wake County school board member John Tedesco.
Tedesco is taking those words with a grain of salt.
"I think it's a lot of people who don't necessarily understand all the issues of the day and misunderstand me and my intent," Tedesco said.
Tedesco is part of the new school board majority that favors what has been called, neighborhood schools.
Tedesco says the board will vote Tuesday and that vote will move in the direction of neighborhood schools.
"We're going to create a model that, regardless of how we grow, we can still manage stability for our families, create logical feeder patterns, and then in a model that does that, offer choice," Tedesco said. "People can have choices of year rounds and magnets within that model."
Members and supporters of the NC NAACP are warning the current school board against doing away with the diversity policy.
"Making sure that we have high quality education for all students that we don't have educational apartheid, that we don't have re-segregated schools, which we know is the enemy of educational excellence," NAACP Reverend Barber said.
The NAACP says they will not let the decision pass without a fight.
"They need to understand there's a group of people that are not just going to sit down and rollover and watch us go back," Barber said.
"We're going to do this in a smart way but we're going to do it and our families need to know it's coming," Tedesco said.
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