According to court records, 28-year-old Tanisha Weaver is charged with child abduction in connection with a minor on the Duke campus.
It appears she allegedly tried to take an infant from the nursery around 2 p.m.
It's not clear if Weaver knew the infant's family or if there was some type of breach of security. Investigators aren't talking.
"What I was most concerned about was the safety of the infant and how our staff responded," Duke Hospital CEO Kevin Sowers said. "I'm pleased to say mother and infant are doing very well we continue to provide support to them."
Duke Hospital will neither confirm nor deny whether the woman arrested in the attempted abduction is an employee.
"I really can't speak to that, because this is still under investigation," Sowers said.
While investigators won't offer details, the hospital credits its high level security system including electronic monitors and a vigilant staff.
"Immediately our staff responded and actually isolated the person involved in the event, so we continue to cooperate with police around the investigation," Sowers said.
Weaver has had trouble with the law in the past. She was arrested on April 5 in Franklin County for assault with a deadly weapon. She allegedly assaulted another woman with a knife.
Weaver's bond was set at $20,000.
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