He says when the Town raised Maynard Road in front of his house he started to have water problems. But leaders have suggested Bowden's flood damage came before the road repair.
Many have said the sign takes a negative view of the Wake County town, but now a new sign just over the hill on Maynard Road, expresses another homeowner's love of Cary.
"I was trying to make a counterpoint," homeowner Keith Ramsey said.
Ramsey, who recently bought a house as a rental property on Maynard Road, owns Garden Supply Company a nursery in Cary.
"There've been times when I've been frustrated with the Town of Cary," he said. "The older I get and the longer I'm here the more I realize that all the things that they do are for the positive. You know, I think the Town works hard at making it a great place to live and a great place to do business."
While neighbors agree Ramsey's sign is more positive and not as profane, many are still not happy about it.
"It's kind of detrimental to the area," neighbor Larry Kastner said. "It's kind of sarcastic. That's the way I take it. I mean, it's kind of similar to the one down the street. It's not appropriate for this town."
Bowden says he hasn't seen the new sign. But he says even if he had he can't comment on it, because his attorneys have told him not to until they go to court over fines the Town of Cary has issued against him for violating the Town's sign ordinance.
If Bowden loses his case, he could be liable for thousands of dollars in fines.
Ramsey's sign has also run afoul of the sign ordinance and he has until Thursday to take it down.
"We'll probably take it down this week at some point or another," Ramsey said. "I'd like to get the landscape done before we take it down."
Bowden has said he will take down his sign when the Town of Cary buys his house, because he says it is too late for them to repair it and now it is about the money.
"Tax value of my house, plus $80K for BSNA," said Bowden back in November.
ABC11 Eyewitness News did not ask Bowden what all that meant.
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