Pit bulls attack woman

FAYETTEVILLE Police say 47-year-old Phyllis Ward was walking on Patton Drive near Grooms Road on Monday when she was bitten several times. She says it took nearly 20 stitches to close the deep bite wounds to her leg.

Authorities ended up shooting one of the dogs after it tried to attack an officer. They later found the dog, which wasn't wearing any ID tags, dead in the woods.

"Unfortunately the officers don't have a lot of time to make a decision in like that you know an officer never wants to use his weapon on a living thing, obviously, but in this particular situation there is no other alternative," Fayetteville Police Spokesperson Dan Grubb said.

The second dog also ran into the woods, but police were unable to find it. Animal Control officers spent several hours scouring the wooded area on Tuesday trying to catch the dog.

Some neighborhood residents say they've seen a pack of mongrel dogs living in the woods for some time.

Officers say since the pit bulls don't have tags or collars, they don't know who owns the animals or if they have rabies.

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