Students to be required to take ACT and prep exams for progress.

RALEIGH The state board of education is proposing some sweeping changes for middle and high school students.

North Carolina will soon be voting on a plan that will require high school and middle school students to take exams to measure progress towards college entrance.

11th graders will be required to take the ACT Exam and 8th and 10 graders will take pre-tests evaluating their progress towards the ACT Exam.

The state will pick-up the tab for all registration fees.

There are two major reasons behind the State's action on this. The ACT will be used to determine how well schools are educating students and it will also help identify which students are not ready for college.

A summer "boot camp" will be used to help those who do poorly on the exam.

The state board is expected to vote on the plan next month.

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