Her neighbors say they now fear whoever is responsible for the crime could strike again.
Donald Navin was outside -- just two houses down from his neighbor -- when the suspect held up the woman at gunpoint.
"It was at like 4 p.m., and my back was turned to him," Navin said. "Her dogs, my dogs they were barking a lot. It happened right here, she had a Mercedes."
Navin -- who has lived in the Vantage Point Community for more than 20 years -- says he was just as disturbed about what happened as the victim.
"I think he came through ... and approached her," Navin said. "I don't think she saw him either until he was right there on her."
After the robbery, the woman immediately called 911.
"I was just held up by gunpoint," she told a 911 operator. "I've got my little grandson in the car with me too ... carrying a dark brown diaper bag and a black purse."
The suspect is described as an African American man in his late teens or early 20s. He stands at about 5 feet 7 to 9 inches tall and has a medium build. The man was last seen wearing black clothing and a black ski mask.
Some residents believe the masked suspect left the scene in a getaway car.
Police haven't made any arrests yet, which is part of the reason residents say the incident is so unnerving.
"I'm scared," Navin said. "I'm really worried about this, word is going around."
He says he is now one of many who have gone door to door letting others know to keep a close watch over the neighborhood.
"Now all the neighbors are kind of alert, were locking our vehicles, locking our houses," Navin said. "I'm even worried about my dogs; I'd just hate to have this situation happen again."
On Wednesday, home security workers were at the victim's home to install a security system.
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