Dems claim GOP fraudulently running ads


At a news conference Friday morning, North Carolina Democratic Party Executive Director Andrew Whalen said a review of financial disclosure documents filed by the Republican Party shows it purchased at least $1 million in television air time for state Senate candidates, but the ads being run do not bear a "Paid for by the North Carolina Republican Party" disclaimer, instead they claim to be paid for by the candidate.

Whalen called that a violation of election law.

"Disclaimer and disclosure laws exist for a reason, and the Republican Party knowingly and flagrantly violated those laws," said Whalen. "They have illegally purchased air time across the state in an attempt to cheat television stations and mislead voters."

Republicans quickly fired back - calling the Democrat claims "bogus."

"We have followed the letter of the law. It’s the Friday before Halloween, and I am just wondering what costumes the Democrats were wearing when they made these claims? Andrew Whalen must be fond of tin-foil hats," offered NC Republican Party Chairman Tom Fetzer in a statement.

Whalen says by using the paid for by candidate disclaimer, the party was able to get a cheaper rate for the advertisements. The Democrats have notified the Republican Party of its intent to sue and also notified the TV stations involved.

The ads support Louis Pate (Senate District 5), Bill Rabon (Senate District 8), Thom Goolsby (Senate District 9), Brent Jackson (Senate District 10), Buck Newton (Senate District 11), Wesley Meredith (Senate District 19), Rick Gunn (Senate District 24), Dan Soucek (Senate District 45), Ralph Hise (Senate District 47), and Jim Davis (Senate District 50).

Click here to read the GOP third quarter financial report on the State Board of Elections website.

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